A personal website is the easiest, most cost effective way to present yourself. It also shows that you are someone who fully participates in the modern world and uses it to his benefit.
The Internet is the primary source of information for many people all over the world. What better way to get your point across than to have a personal Website. The personal sites can be an even more effective tool for spreading ideas of peaceful social change.
The web - and internet in general - has an enormous potential to change our world. I've met people from all over the world - through cyberspace of course - whom I wouldn't have otherwise known about; we might not speak each other's language or share the same beliefs, but through this incredible technology, we learn about each other, appreciate each other, and openly and directly share the common bond of humanity.
I believe Internet has the potential to be a strong, positive and unifying force that can stimulate greater social harmony and peace. To this end, I recognise and encourage Websites that clearly promote these ideals.
Our stories, our interests, our problems, our joys constitute who we are and when you can share in someone else's, you've suddenly broadened the field of people who are in some way significant to your life. If you can learn about people and what makes them tick, you are a lot more likely to know how to fix the problems that you may encounter in your life. You might even learn something about yourself.
My page is personal - so it definately strives to create a personal identity. I want people to feel like we're having a friendly introduction when they come to my site. I made pretty good friendship with good number of people. I want to convey that there are many different aspects to me. I have tried to bring all these elements together in my Website. One of the things that I do is visit other sites and invite the webmaster of those Websites to visit my site.
I hope you like this website of mine! I have made every effort to make this site easy to navigate and more interesting by providing useful content. Developing my website is one of my hobbies. I sincerely want you to enjoy your visit to my site.
At last count, there were approximately 600+ webpages under different Categories. Best place to start is the Sitemap page. Click here for the sitemap.
Proof reading on many of the content was done by a few of my friends. I humbly apologize to all visitors for any errors that I may have made unintentionally. I will greatly appreciate any Comments, Suggestions and Corrections to improve this site. Thank you very much for visiting my
Website. Please keep visiting for regular updates.
Some people just don't understand how you can have friends in a far away land Some may come from France, California,Pennsylvania orSpain But no matter where they are from, the friendship remains. Some are close and even from your home state Some are on earlier, others are on late An Internet friend listens, suggests, and may complain But no matter where they are from, the friendship remains Some Internet friends have never met, and others met just once Some have joined one another for dinners, others have for lunch You are my Internet friend, we have a wonderful time Of the friends on the Internet, I'm glad you're mine Please stay in touch, our conversational chats are divine I am glad I am your friend and also that you are mine. Written By Autumn Port |
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