If you kiss a cigarette, it reciprocates by biting your lungs

Hurting Yourself:
* Smoking is an addiction and a major health hazard. Tobacco smoke contains nicotine, a drug that is addictive and can make it very hard, but not impossible, to quit. Some people claim that nicotine the drug is more powerful than heroine!

* Smoking greatly increases your risk for lung cancer and many other cancers. There is no denying that smoking is not good for your health. The health effects caused by smoking are staggering!

Hurting Others:
* Smoking harms not just the smoker, but also family members, co-workers, and others who breathe the smoker's cigarette smoke, called secondhand smoke.

* Among infants to 18 months of age, secondhand smoke is associated with as many as 300,000 cases of bronchitis and pneumonia each year.

* Secondhand smoke from a parent's cigarette increases a child's chances for middle ear problems, causes coughing and wheezing, and worsens asthma conditions.

* If both parents smoke, a teenager is more than twice as likely to smoke than a young person whose parents are both nonsmokers. In households where only one parent smokes, young people are also more likely to start smoking.

* Pregnant women who smoke are more likely to deliver babies whose weights are too low for the babies' good health.

Smoking Hurts Yourself, And Hurts Others

Did you know these interesting smoking facts?

  • In the USA, Canada, UK, and in most developed countries, smoking is the principal preventable cause of death and disease.

  • One smoker out of 2 dies of a disease attributed to his or her smoking. On average, smokers die 8 years before nonsmokers. By stopping smoking, you add several years to your life expectancy and increase your chances of seeing your grandchildren grow up.

  • Tobacco-caused deaths are usually preceded by long and painful illnesses.

  • The risk of lung cancer is 18 times higher for smokers than for nonsmokers. The risk of having a heart attack before the age of 65 is 3 times higher. These risks drop significantly if you quit smoking.

  • Only 13% of the people who are diagnosed with lung cancer today will be alive in five years.

  • Smoking is the cause of many other health problems: cerebral attacks (strokes), osteoporosis (reduction in the density of the bones,causing pain and fractures), chronic bronchitis, stomach ulcers, deterioration of the gums, etc.

  • Smokers cause 33% of all fires (because of cigarettes thrown in the trash, etc).

  • Many accidents on the road are caused by smokers because of inattention while lighting a cigarette or while searching for a cigarette that has fallen on the floor.

Does Smoking Affect Blood Pressure?

Smoking a cigarette raises the blood pressure by 5-10 mm Hg for about 30 minutes. If this is combined with drinking a cup of coffee, the effects are bigger and last longer.

Despite this, numerous epidemiological studies have found that people with hypertension are not more likely to be smokers than those with normal blood pressure, and conversely, that smokers are not more likely to be hypertensive than non-smokers. One possible explanation for this might be that smokers tend to weigh less than non-smokers, and that the effects of obesity and smoking on blood pressure cancel each other out. But even when smokers and non-smokers of the same body weight are compared their blood pressures are the same. This is probably because the blood pressure measurements are usually made when people are not smoking. If you smoke a pack a day, it will raise your average daytime pressure by about 5 mm Hg, even though your doctor may not detect this during an office visit.

The important thing about smoking is not what it does to your blood pressure, but that it greatly increases your risk of heart disease.

Diseases Associated with Smoking

Atherosclerosis Acute bronchitis Allergies
Hypertension Chronic bronchitis Rhinitis
Heart disease Emphysema Sinusitis
Coronary artery disease Lung cancer Other infections
Peripheral vascular disease Mouth cancer Burns
Myocardial infarction Tongue cancer Peptic ulcers
Stroke Laryngeal cancer Varicose veins
Polycythemia Esophageal cancer Hiatal hernia
Low birth weight infants Bladder cancer Osteoporosis
Increased infant mortality Kidney cancer Periodontal disease
Alzheimer’s disease Pancreatic cancer Senility
Vitamin/mineral Cervical cancer Impotence

Symptoms and Problems Associated with Smoking

Heartburn Surgical complications
Allergies Nutritional deficiencies
Angina Pectoris Stains on teeth and fingers
Hoarseness Increased pregnancy risks
Cough Increased caffeine use
Headaches Increased alcohol use
Memory loss More divorce
Anxiety More job changes
Fatigue More home changes
Lowered immunity Fires, at home and outdoors
Low sexuality Higher insurance rates
Cold hands and feet Wasted money
Leg pains

People Who Are High-Risk Smokers

Pregnant women Alcoholics or alcohol
Nursing mothers abusers
Diabetics Those with existing
Birth control pill users smoker’s diseases
Family history of heart disease Those who work with
Hypertensives toxic chemicals
Patients with high cholesterol Those having surgery
Heavy smokers Ulcer patients
Obese people Type A personalities
Very thin people

Smoking Related Cancers:

Adult Acute Leukemia
Adult Chronic Leukemia
Cervical Cancer
Esophagus Cancer
Laryngeal Cancer
Lung Cancer
Kidney Cancer
Oropharyngeal Cancer
Pancreas Cancer
Stomach Cancer
Urinary Bladder

Is Smoking Permitted In Islam

Most Muslims are aware of and try to avoid the major sins in Islam - murder, suicide, adultery, alcohol, gambling, usury, etc. Muslims are forbidden to harm themselves or others. Yet millions of Muslims all over the world are doing just that - harming, even killing themselves and their families. Islamic scholars have historically had mixed views about tobacco, and until recently, cigarette smoking has not been unanimously forbidden or even discouraged.

The mixed views on the subject came about because cigarettes are a more recent invention and did not exist at the time of the revelation of the Qur'an in the 7th century A.D. Therefore, one cannot find a verse of Qur'an or words of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) saying clearly that "Cigarette smoking is forbidden." However, there are many instances where the Qur'an gives us general guidelines, and calls upon us to use our reason and intelligence, and seek guidance from Allah about what is right and wrong. In the Qur'an, Allah says, “...he [the Prophet] commands them what is just, and forbids them what is evil; he allows them as lawful what is good, and prohibits them from what is bad..." (Surah al-Ar’af 7:157). So what are the evils of tobacco use, for your health and for your deen (religion)?

1. Danger to your health
Allah says, "...make not your own hands contribute to your destruction..." (Surah al-Baqarah 2:195); "...nor kill yourselves..." (Surah al-Nisaa 4:29). It is universally understood that cigarette smoking causes a number of health problems that often ultimately result in death. Men who smoke contract lung cancer at 22 times the rate of non-smokers. Smokers are also highly at risk for heart disease, emphysema, oral cancer, stroke, etc. There are hundreds of poisonous and toxic ingredients in the cigarette itself that the smoker inhales straight into the lungs. In an authentic hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that "Whomsoever drinks poison, thereby killing himself, will sip this poison forever and ever in the fire of Jahannum (Hell)."

2. Danger to your family's health
In the Qur'an, Allah says: "Those who annoy believing men and women undeservedly bear on themselves a glaring sin" (Surat al-Ahzaab 33:58). And the Prophet (peace be upon him) said that "there should be neither harming, nor reciprocating harm.” In another hadith, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Anyone who believes in Allah and the Last Day should not hurt his neighbor." Those around the smoker inhale what is known as "second-hand smoke" - the unfiltered, poisonous waste that goes in the air around the smoker. There are over 4,000 chemicals in cigarette smoke, over 40 of which are known to cause cancer. Second-hand smoke causes or aggravates asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory problems, especially in children.

3. Addictive
The addiction to tobacco is a physical response that often interferes with one's life and worship. For example, smoking is clearly forbidden during the daytime fast of Ramadan. Many addicted smokers spend their fasting days sleeping, cranky, and short-tempered, just counting the hours until they can have their fix at sunset. The most severely addicted will wait outside the mosque door for the adhan, and break their fast by lighting up, before taking even food or water.

4. Noxious Smell
Muslims are advised to refrain from eating raw onions and garlic - simply as a courtesy to those around them because of the awful smell. The same goes even more so for the reek of cigarettes, which permeates everything around the smoker - hair, clothing, home, car, etc. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever has eaten from such greens as garlic, onions or leek should keep away from our mosque.” Many smokers try to hide the smell by using breath mints or perfume. This does not get rid of the smell, it only masks it. Often the combination of smells is even more nauseating.

5. Waste of Money
Allah says, "...But spend not wastefully (your wealth) in the manner of a spendthrift. Verily spendthrifts are brothers of the devils...” {Surah al-Israa’ 17:26-27} And in an authentic hadith the Prophet (peace be upon him) said that: "Allah hates for you three things: gossiping, begging, and wasting money." In many countries, cigarettes are taxed heavily in order to discourage this habit and reimburse the government for the overwhelming health care costs to care for those afflicted with diseases caused by smoking. Smokers often spend thousands of dollars a year that literally just go up in smoke.

Recent Opinions of Scholars
In more recent times, as these dangers of tobacco use have come to be proven beyond any doubt, scholars have become more unanimous in pronouncing tobacco use clearly haram (forbidden) to believers. They now use the strongest terms to condemn this habit. For example: "In view of the harm caused by tobacco, growing, trading in and smoking of tobacco are judged to be haram (forbidden). The Prophet, peace be upon him, is reported to have said, 'Do not harm yourselves or others.' Furthermore, tobacco is unwholesome, and God says in the Qur'an that the Prophet, peace be upon him, 'enjoins upon them that which is good and pure, and forbids them that which is unwholesome'" (Permanent Committee of Academic Research and Fatwa, Saudi Arabia).

For a comprehensive look at smoking in Islam - the history, the rulings, and a full explanation with citations from Islamic resources, the best online article is Smoking: A Social Poison by Muhammad Al-Jibaly.

How to Quit?
As mentioned, one of the dangers of tobacco is that it is so addicting. It causes a physical response in your body when you try to give it up. Therefore, quitting is often difficult. However, with the help of Allah and the personal commitment to improve yourself for the sake of Allah, and for your own health, it is possible. It is first recommended to make the firm intention, from deep in your heart, to give up this evil habit. Trust in Allah's words: "...When you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah. For Allah loves those who put their trust in Him. If Allah help you, none can overcome you; if He forsakes you, who is - after that - that can help you? In Allah, then, let believers put their trust" (Surah Al-'lmran 3:159-160).

Secondly, one must avoid situations where you are used to smoking, and people who do so around you. For example, if you have certain friends who gather together to smoke, make a choice to stay away from that environment for the time being. At a vulnerable stage, it is too easy to get sucked back in by having "just one." Remember, tobacco causes a physical addiction and you must stay away completely. Drink a lot of water and keep yourself busy in other endeavors. Spend time in the mosque. Play sports. And remember the words of Allah: "And those who strive hard in Our Cause, We will certainly guide them to Our Paths, for verily Allah is with those who do right” (Surah al-Ankabut 29:69).

Living With a Smoker
If you live with or are friends with smokers, first of all encourage them to quit, for the sake of Allah, their deen (religion), and their health. If they refuse (and ultimately we will face Allah alone), you have the right to protect your own health and the health of your family. Do not allow it in the house. Do not allow it in enclosed quarters with your family. Even if the smoker is a parent, we do not need to permit them to smoke merely because they are our parents or elders. The Qur'an is clear that we are not to obey our parents in things which are forbidden by Allah. Share with your loved ones the information above, and encourage them to give up this habit, for the sake of Allah.

I detest smoke and people that smoke are sick. In fact, the second hand smoke makes me nauseous. Quitting cigarettes or tobacco will probably be the smartest thing you've ever done for yourself. For more information about the proven dangers of smoking, and advice on how to quit. Please visit the following websites Quit Smoking.com Men Stuff.org About.com

Lighting up a cigarette would darken your life permanently

'By not smoking on screen, I am saving lives'

Indian film actor Kamal Haasan has made it a point not to smoke in his films for he fears youngsters may start if he did. I do not know whether you have noticed but I have not smoked onscreen in the last 20 years.

I noticed that if 5,000 people watch me, at least 1,000 try to imitate me. I shave my head, they do that. So I felt if I smoked on screen, they also would do that. By not smoking on screen, I am saving at least a hundred lives.

It is our duty to make people aware of the evils of smoking.

Smoking is injurious to your health and smoking causes cancer.

Smoking seriously harms you and others around you.

Cancer Patients Aid Association

Quit Smoking Start Living

Smoking - A Social Poison

Smoking Is Prohibited In Public Places

Rights of The Non Smokers - The Right to Breath Clean Air

NON SMOKERS have the right to breathe clean air, free from harmful and irritating tobacco smoke.

It is the fundamental right of every citizen to claim clean air to breath.

Article 21 - nobody can harm other people to express their liberty. It is the duty of the State to protect citizens from all type of harmful exposure like Second Hand Smoke.

Article 39 and 47 - it is the duty of government to raise the level of standard of living and to improve the health of its citizens.

The Right to Speak Out

NON SMOKERS have the right to express their discomfort and adverse reactions to tobacco smoke. They have the right to voice their objections when smokers light up cigarette or beedi in public place.

The Right to Act

NON SMOKERS have the right to take action through legislative channels, social pressures or any other legitimate means - as individuals or in groups - to prevent or discourage smokers from polluting the atmosphere and to seek the restriction of smoking in public places.

Violations can also be reported to National Toll Free Helpline: 1800-110-456

Tobacco Control Campaign - 1800 26 60 366

Protect people from tobacco smoke; offer people help to quit tobacco use; warn about the dangers of tobacco; enforce bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship; and raise taxes on tobacco.

Related Links: www.canceraidsocietyindia.org - www.tobaccofreeindia.org - www.smokefreechennai.org